My boy is a really great cook and it's important to him to feed his family quality vittles. He has been enjoying our urban farm fresh eggs for the last few years and now it's time for him to produce some of his own!
Living in the middle of the city he will only be able to raise 3 or 4 chickens. He was hunting for the perfect chicken coop, something affordable, handsome and functional.
Hubs, the boys dad, is always on the lookout for a bargain. Well, not just a bargain, but for something sort of cool that can be up cycled into something really cool.
Chicken coops are becoming so popular that there are many ways to obtain one. Some are really awesome and clever. I love the ingenuity of people! Some aren't so awesome, but still functional and better than nothing! I say whatever works if it gets you raising some chickens! Many chicken coops are now available that are imported and in my opinion they aren't that great. They are affordable and cute and do the job, but they aren't the most sturdy and really only accommodate a chicken or two. They are a bit flimsy for our winters and for keeping out those pesky predators.
Hubs was perusing the local classifieds and happened upon one such coop. This person was selling his coop after a neighbor dog knocked it over and ate all his chickens! Now, me personally? I would have gotten myself some new chickens! As I said, I don't particularly care for these coops for this very reason. But, Hubs got a screaming deal on this one owner coop and decided a little up cycling was in order.
First, he decided to sturdy it all up and add on a new "wing" ;) This is the beginning...
He added a back door to the new side so that you can set up the feeder and watering system and have access to clean out the coop.
The new green metal roof. Not only attractive but will keep the snow off this winter.
See! It's twice the size of the original, completely reinforced and pretty sweet looking to boot!
The rivets look hip and sleek! You know, it's very important that a chicken coop is hip and sleek!
It retained its cutesy factor from the original coop as well.
Lots of room for 3 or 4 hens now...
Hubs always likes to add some natural branches. The chickens love roosting on these.
The new roofing material on the egg box as well.
I know I went crazy with all these pictures, but, can you blame me?
This coop should have a new home by this weekend in my boys' backyard. The new feathered occupants won't be far behind!