Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Garden to Table...Pizza Night

It was our turn to host our monthly pizza night. We have successfully been having pizza night for almost 5 years now. Each month we rotate with the 4 families involved in this amazing and fun activity.
It happened to be our month at the height of our organic garden growing season.

I can't lie! Our garden is the's seriously awesome. I LOVE square foot gardening. Not only does it grow large amounts of is gorgeous to look at! I can't believe the food we have picked and pulled from this garden since late March...literally a dream come true!

Each day I wander around this little patch of amazing and decide what we will have for dinner based on what is available. I'm blown away at the fresh, organic and delicious meals we have put together based on garden fresh ingredients. I couldn't wait to make our garden to table pizza night a reality!

Our goal was to use as much as possibly from the garden. What we didn't have, i.e. cheeses and meats, we would source locally. The flour for the pizza dough was organic and sourced from a local flour conglomerate. We bought freshly made mozzarella from a local grocer. (Making mozzarella is on my short list!)  Our tomato sauce was made from our own bottled tomatoes.

I took a wander through the garden and came up with some impressive pizza toppings!

Fresh zucchini and summer squash and a variety of tomatoes...

I roasted 2 beet varieties in the oven and then peeled and thinly sliced...

A variety of fresh herbs...basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary...(the smell is other worldly!)

Some fresh chives and pine nuts...(sadly, the pine nuts are not local but a must for a margherita pizza)

Hubs is in charge of the pizza sauce and dough. The sauce is made with our own bottled tomatoes. (Learning to bottle tomatoes was one of the smartest things I EVER did!)

Have I mentioned this was a dream come true?!?

Fresh tomato and mozzarella pizza...

Hubs elected to make the pizzas on the outdoor grill. Good choice for a lovely summer night. Did I mention we made a few pizzas with my homemade pesto? I made arugula and pecan pesto when the arugula was thriving and froze it. Good was delish!

Roasted beet was a hit!

Tomato and fresh mozzarella...yeah, it was really good!

Squash and herb with artichoke hearts and pine nuts...

What a perfect summer night with good friends, family and fresh organic's very rewarding...

C'mon...if I can be successful at producing this healthy, tasty food, so can YOU! I can't recommend square foot gardening enough! It is so easy, little time and effort and HUGE reward...Do it!!!

Oh...and we had homemade raspberry syrup snow cones for dessert. Check out a previous post if you want to make that tasty fruit syrup for your lucky circle of friends!

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