Saturday, July 20, 2013

Our First Home...

I was actually speaking for the chickens here...

I won't lie. I was NOT excited about getting chickens. I'm a city girl. I was raised in the city, I like the city, I think chickens are weird. In all honesty, I'd never been close to a chicken, but I was pretty sure they jump on you and peck you. Hubs really, really wanted chickens. So, we had a problem!
Well, I guess it was actually me that had the problem, as you see he got his chickens!
He pretty much conspired with a mutual friend to get these chickens. She snuck off to the chicken store and purchased (3) New Hampshire Red chickens and raised them for us while Hubs continued to try and talk me into the idea! Sneaky, right???
I guess I kind of knew where this was going when this little red coop showed up in our backyard! Subtle...
These chickens sitting atop their first coop are our first chickens. We have had them now for going on four years and they still lay for us. They've slowed down a bit, but they are healthy hearty girls and actually very pleasant! I knew absolutely NOTHING about raising chickens when these ladies showed up. Hubs had been doing his research and had a good idea about how to get started. we are a few years later and now actually have (9) chickens. We've lost a few and gained a few but right now we are holding steady with the 9 count. Not surprising I guess, but I'm a chicken raising convert! Yeah, I still think they are weird...but, they don't jump on me and they don't peck me. Well...sometimes if I have freshly, brightly painted toe nails they maybe try to take a peck at my toes. But, all in all, they are really well behaved!
I can't say enough about the joys of raising chickens! I had no idea how nicely they would groom and maintain my yard and lawn. They also fertilize our lawn and it has never looked better. They seem to know exactly how much fertilizer it requires! They eat all the pesky critters in our yard...No, they are NOT vegetarian. They eat spiders, wasps, moths, bugs, snails, slugs and baby mice! ( grosses me out, too!) But, they also surprise us each day with lovely, fresh, healthy eggs. Really, you have no idea how beautiful these eggs are unless you have chickens as well!
Added bonus...they provide endless hours of entertainment. We love sitting in our backyard and watching the girls do their "thing". Completely relaxing and stress relieving.
I have learned a lot about chickens in the last few years. I have done my research now and read and studied about chicken raising and it has been helpful. Really though, it doesn't compare to the first-hand experience when raising your own.
A couple of quick tips I have learned and am willing to pass on:

Don't ever believe any chicken seller when they tell you they know for sure a little chick is a HEN.
A rooster is not sweet and fun like a HEN.
If you want chickens for eggs, don't get some foofy breed. Get some docile sturdy layers. i.e. New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, etc.

As our brood multiplied they outgrew their first digs. By this time we were ready to "build" our own coop and had in mind what we wanted for the bigger flock. The little red coop needed a new home and we found the perfect fit!
A friend had been wanting ( I mean really wanting!) to add chickens to her "work in progress" urban farmstead. A match made in heaven and the timing was just right!

The little red coop arriving at it's new home and waiting for a good old-fashioned "coop raising". We spent a lovely afternoon with friends old and new getting this little house ready for it's new occupants.

Seriously! How cool is this! The little red coop providing shelter for a sweet new little flock, an ecstatic newbie chicken owner enjoying the many pleasures her little hens have to offer and me and Hubs thrilled that our first coop went to a good home! Isn't this a great life?!?

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